Our Team

Meet Our Team & Board

Meet Our Executive Team

Our senior leadership team represents the diversity of our community and brings a variety of different approaches and perspectives to our organization. Working together, our leaders ensure that we continue to meet the diverse needs of those living with limited mobility in community.

Krista Davidson-Flint

Krista Davidson-Flint

Executive Director

Tolu Enaibe

Director of Programs

Marni Halwas

Director of Fund Development

Stephanie Udoh

Director of Finance

Teneille Bradley, Executive Director

Teneille Bradley, is an experienced non-profit leader who is passionate about social equality. Teneille joined the Accessible Housing team in 2019, bringing excellent leadership and relationship building skills along with experience in operations and programs from her previous community services roles. Teneille loves to travel and has worked with non-profit organizations across the world for over 7 years. In 2018 she was the recipient of a state-wide award from the Queensland Mental Health Commission in Australia. She volunteers on a number of charity boards and dedicates her time to contributing to improving the lives of others.

Our Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is comprised of 13 volunteers responsible for Accessible Housing’s long-term success by defining and promoting our vision.

Tara Weber, Board Co-Vice Chair

Jhumur Choudhury, Board Co-Vice Chair

Sara Lambert, Board Secretary

Krista Davidson-Flint, Board Director

Jill Brown, Board Director

Uche Ezetah, Board Director

Nina Nagy, Board Director

Marc Pelletier, Board Director

Fred Hnatiw, Board Director

Marion Shill, Board Director

Kevin Haughton, Board Director

Jessica Clark, Board Director

We open doors for people to live in community with dignity
through supportive living services.

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